Unlocking Secure Online Shopping: Building an Authenticated e-commerce site using Passage and Nuxt.js

Unlocking Secure Online Shopping: Building an Authenticated e-commerce site using Passage and Nuxt.js

sellWise: 1Password and Hashnode Hackathon


In today's digital age, online security plays a crucial role in safeguarding our personal information, financial transactions, and sensitive data. As we increasingly rely on the Internet for communication, shopping, banking, and various online services, it's essential to understand the importance of protecting our online identities and maintaining robust security measures.

This article will discuss implementing seamless passwordless authentication in your e-commerce app with Passage

What is Passage

Passage is a secure and complete user authentication solution. That helps you integrate secure login and registration with biometrics or magic links instead of passwords into your applications and also provides the smoothest login experience possible.

Setting up the project

You need to create a Nuxt.js starter project by navigating to the desired directory and running the command below in your terminal.

npx nuxi@latest init 1Password-nuxt

The command creates a Nuxt.js project called 1Password-nuxt.

Next, you need to install Nuxt.js dependencies by running the command below in your terminal.

npm install

Next, go to the project directory and start the development server on localhost:3000 with the commands below.

cd 1Password-nuxt && npm run dev

Installing dependencies

Installing Pink Design

Pink Design is an open-source system from Appwrite used to build consistent and reusable user interfaces. It enhances collaboration, development experience, and accessibility.

To install Pink Design, open the terminal in the project directory and run the following command.

npm install @appwrite.io/pink

To use Pink Design in your project, import it into your project's files like this:

import '@appwrite.io/pink';
`import '@appwrite.io/pink-icons';

Installing Appwrite

Appwrite is a development platform that provides a powerful API and management console for building backend servers for web and mobile applications. To install it, run the command below:

npm install appwrite

Installing Passage

The easiest way to add authentication to your app is with a Passage Auth custom element. First, you'll need to install the passage-elements package from npm:

npm i --save @passageidentity/passage-elements

Passage console

To use Passage, you have to signup here first, go to My Apps, then create a new app



You can give any name to your app. For the domain in Nuxt.js, it will be localhost:3000, and the redirect URL is the URL that will be used to redirect the user after a successful login or registration, like /dashboard or /home.

After creating your app, you will be redirected to the app dashboard. A new App ID will be generated to use it in your app.

To find it, head to the settings section, then General


Interacting Passage with Nuxt app

After creating your app and getting the App ID, you will need to create a .env file and insert the ID:


Creating the sign-in page

You need to import the Passage custom element in your Nuxt components to register it.
To do that, navigate to your components/passageAuth/Signup.vue and do these:

import "@passageidentity/passage-elements/passage-auth";

Then, in your Nuxt <template>, embed the passage-auth element into your component that will handle login.

  <section class="container">
        class="card u-cross-center u-width-full-line u-max-width-400"
        style="margin: 50px auto"
        <div class="authContainer">
          <passage-auth :app-id="appId"></passage-auth>

Configuring Nuxt to Recognize Custom Elements

Nuxt works with custom elements out of the box, and by default, it will log a warning to the console that it could not resolve the component for the custom element. To configure Nuxt with information that the <passage-auth> tag is a custom element and suppresses this warning.

You can add this configuration to nuxt.config.ts:

compilerOptions: {
// treat any tag that starts with passage- as custom elements
isCustomElement: (tag) => tag.startsWith('passage-'),

After applying the above implementation, the app should like this

After signing up with your email address, navigate to your passage console. The User tab should display the new users like this:


Getting Authentication status and User information

After the user has logged in with Passage, you can check if a user's auth token is valid and retrieve basic user information from Passage using the PassageUser class exported from @passageidentity/passage-auth/passage-user.

To do this, create a composables folder in the root directory and inside a useAuthStatus.js file, add the following code

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { PassageUser } from '@passageidentity/passage-elements/passage-user'

export function useAuthStatus(){
  const isLoading = ref(true)
  const isAuthorized = ref(false)
  const username = ref('')

  new PassageUser().userInfo().then(userInfo => {
      if(userInfo === undefined){
          isLoading.value = false
      username.value = userInfo.email ? userInfo.email : userInfo.phone
      isAuthorized.value = true
      isLoading.value = false

  return {

Tech Stack

Quick Demo

The project demo can be found here


The project's GitHub repository can be found here.


This article discussed building an authenticated seamless passwordless e-commerce site using Passage in a Nuxt.js application.

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